– Starting 19th April 2023 –
The 6-week group programme to fast track you from career crossroads to career clarity.
Inside this group coaching experience, you’ll:
Unlock new motivation through clarifying what matters most to you (and why) so you can take empowered action towards your work goals.
Generate exciting possibilities or career pivots that you can feel confident in achieving, through step-by-step blueprints to get you there.
Really understand your strengths and weaknesses, so you can play to your talents and overcome mindset blocks getting in your way.

A lack of fulfilment
Uncertainty about where to go next.
Feeling despondent and flat, when a few years ago you felt inspired and motivated.
You used to feel engaged and empowered in your role, climbing the ranks in your field and quickly ticking the traditional checkboxes of success as you went. But now you find yourself admitting to friends that you don’t truly enjoy your work anymore.
And that’s scary. However, you do feel excited for the next chapter of your life.
You feel determined to find a plan. But you stall every time you try to get going.
You’re plagued by self-doubt when you think about applying for a different role or going for a promotion. Who are you to do that job when all your experience lies in a totally different area? And the HR manager or recruiter you tried speaking to just made you feel worse, not better about it.
Perhaps you’ve already read a bunch of careers advice books and paid for someone to spruce up your LinkedIn and CV.
And you’ve binge-watched so many careers TEDTalks in bed with your laptop you feel like you should become an affiliate for them!
In the moment, they make you feel inspired. But as soon as it comes to taking action on your own, you’re paralysed with fear and indecision again.
You know there’s more out there for you
But the pressure to make the right decision is leaving you stressed out and disconnected. You’re plagued by thoughts like:
Who am I to try something like that when I’m totally underqualified. Who would ever employ me at a senior level with no relevant experience?
Can someone "like me" really switch careers? Am I late to the party?
How can I walk away from an established career path when I have a family to support? I make good money, so shouldn’t I just suck it up and stay put?
I hate the idea of leaving my role and failing.

If this sounds like you, I want you to know you're not alone
I was once in your shoes, my mind full of monkeys telling me all the reasons I shouldn’t change my career, but desperately needing something different.
It wasn’t a fun place to be. The unhappiness I felt at work was leaking into my home life, and I knew I was snappy, distracted and distant when I wanted to be more present for my young daughters and my partner.
But, weirdly, I found that the indecision about what to do was actually much harder than actually starting to take action. Once I started to make small steps towards my new career vision, the overwhelm and gravity of the situation melted away and I found myself so much happier.
And that’s why I created Career Kickstarter. To guide you through that tricky transition and leave you feeling clear and empowered on what to do next. Because life’s too short to stay in a job that no longer brings you joy.
All of us have a unique set of experiences, skills and talents (and, crucially, the power) we can use to create a ‘perfect’ role. One that aligns with our values and makes the best of our strengths.
And yes, those unhelpful thoughts will be there. It’s how our mind tries to keep us ‘safe’.
But, I want you to know…
It’s not too late.
You’re not too old.
Your skills aren’t irrelevant.
You’re not ‘selfish’ for wanting more from your career.
You can have a totally different job a year from now and wake up excited to go to work on a Monday morning, and finish your working week energised and inspired ahead of the weekend rather than drained and exhausted.

I made Career Kickstarter for you if:
You’re thinking about starting your own business or already have a side hustle you’d like to take full-time.
You want to pivot within your current organisation, or break into a different industry.
You’re lacking confidence at work, battling imposter syndrome in your current role.
You want to be part of an empowering community of like-minded people who are going through similar things.
Career Kickstarter is a 6 week career coaching programme to fast track you out of self-doubt and into career clarity
If you’re ready to take huge strides in your career and make work work for you, I’d love you to join me on this group coaching experience.
Places are capped at 12, to ensure the most intimate coaching environment possible for each member of the cohort.
I feel like I am finishing the programme with far greater clarity on what I want out of my career and what I can offer prospective employers.
2022 Career Kickstarter Participant
What's included?
Are you ready to join a group of like-minded, ambitious professionals and reignite your love for work?
Career Kickstarter
Includes all group coaching sessions, Facebook group access and homework tasks.
Career Kickstarter
Also includes a bonus 1-2-1 coaching session with Anna.
It has been a truly great investment of my time. Anna is an excellent coach - a great listener, and supportive, but also challenges where required. I've left with real clarity on my values and strengths, and now feel more confident in excelling in my current role and wider career.
2022 Career Kickstarter Participant
WEEK 1 - Where are you at?You probably know what you don’t want from your role. But what is it you do want? Is it more flexibility? Is it more time to be creative? Whatever it is, we’ll figure out where you are now and where you need to make changes to land on your ideal career or role.
WEEK 2 - Defining your USPWhat’s your secret sauce? We all have a unique (and incredible) array of talents, experience and skills that give us superpowers in the right role. We’ll get clear on what yours are, map out your values, and how you can leverage them to find work that truly fulfils you.
WEEK 3 - Mastering your mindsetMake a big change takes courage, and there are always niggling self-doubts and fears there to block us and trip us up. We’ll unpack the things stopping you from taking action and learn how to handle it when unhelpful beliefs surface.
WEEK 4 - Connections and collaborationAsking for help is hard but important. We’ll explore the opportunities in your current network, draw on experience within the group and scope out new ideas for collaboration.
WEEK 5 - What’s next for you?We’ll consider all options, from the easiest to the scariest to the down-right dreamiest so you know exactly where your career could take you. It’s time to get really excited!
WEEK 6 - It’s time to CELEBRATE OUR WINSHere’s where we’ll clink a virtual glass of bubbly, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come and ensure you have a plan of action moving forward to continue making strides in your career.
– What we'll cover –
This course has been invaluable and really started me on a journey that is impacting my role at work and my personal life.
2022 Career Kickstarter Participant
I'm not sure if it's right for me?
I want you to feel confident that I'm the right Coach for you and that this is the right programme so let's have a chat first. I offer a free 30-minute Chemistry Call to make sure we have good rapport ahead of working together and you can ask me any questions you may have. You can book a call here.
My employer wants to fund the course, is that OK?
No problem. This programme can be employer- or self-funded. There is also an option to offer a tailored version of this course to your organisation if they are interested in supporting employees in their career development. If they would like to find out more please email me on anna@stepsintostrides.com.
What is group coaching?
Group coaching is where I as your facilitator will take a group through a learning experience. A great group coaching programme works like a safe, trusting container and community where each individual feels safe to be themselves, to share and to listen intently to others' experiences. The role of the facilitator is to create that space for the individuals to learn. I love to coach groups as I feel that there is so much power in the togetherness (the sum is totally greater than the parts) and that there is a whole bunch of learning that is organically created through the interactions in the group. With this in mind, when you apply, I take care to create a group I feel will complement each other so that everyone feels they can be open in the experience.
What happens if I can't make the weekly calls?
When you sign up and pay, the expectation is that you are committed to the programme and to being a valued contributing member. Of course, life can sometimes get in the way by throwing us a curveball. If you can't attend the calls, you will be able to catch up on the recordings but really, the value is in you experiencing the course in real-time, so I encourage you to make the session times non-negotiable events in your diary each week.
Can I get a refund if this doesn’t work for me?
I don’t offer money-back guarantees with this programme as outcomes and results are down to you as an individual. I can’t guarantee that you are going to nail that job interview but I do totally believe that you can. As with all coaching programmes, you need to do more than just turn up to the sessions to see results. I can give you the tools, but ultimately you hold the power to use them in your life.